24x48 stucco and acrylic paint on canvas. The smooth orange center of the portal breaking through the darkness with chaos all around it.
watch the video at https://youtu.be/clSGf1k1I50
-step- is one of my wormhole series paintings. It symbolizes the push past self doubt and anxiety to enjoy the path of life. At the beginning of my sobriety in 08 I started to realize I had all this anxiety. It was with me the whole time since I was real young I just covered it up with alcohol for so many years. As I covered it up over and over it seemed to grow and my ability to deal with it diminished. When I stopped drinking the cover slowly started to come off till it was just pulled in one quick tug.
I didn't know how to deal with it and I lost sight of everything around me. It made it pretty difficult to keep away from my cover, my alcohol. In an effort to escape this I started to notice all the positive things around me and how good it was to feel and enjoy it for the first time. To not be numb and feel the things good and bad around me. Painting was donated to a charity auction.